Saturday, February 5, 2011

How to murder a cake

We gave a friend a chocolate cake for her birthday and we didn't just eat it, we had fun with it.

The cake came in a round yellow box with polka dots yellow ribbon. The cake is made to look like an emoticon, which is no surprise because it's from Makati Shangri-la's Emoti-Cake shop.

When cakes look this pretty, it's so hard to decide how to slice and eat it because it's hard to see a thing of beauty get ruined. But it must be eaten so there's really no way around it, or is there?

In our effort to "preserve" the emoticake's look, we gingerly took parts of the cake one piece at a time.

 First to go was the mouth, then the right eye, followed by the left eye.

When we finished, the cake looked like a torture victim and we felt like we were mean and crazy people.

We didn't mean to deface the good cake, we actually loved this cake. But we somehow turned it into something from Tim Burton's Corpse Bride movie.

Next time, we will just slice a cake like normal people do. :p